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The nonwoven fabric is a flat layer made of unidirectional or randomly oriented fibers, linked by friction, cohesion or adhesion of individual fabric particles.
According to this definition, nonwovens do not include products bound by "classic" technologies such as weaving or knitting, but some experts also include tufted (woven) carpets or felt products in the nonwovens category. (with a large number of modifications) and recycled textile wastes.In laminated goods, textile fibers are often combined with metals or minerals, and with the rapid development of technology, the proportion of individual types of raw materials often changes, and recently, polypropylene fibers have reached about 50% and polyester about 25 % of the total, natural fibers have a minimum of 1% share.
The nonwoven fabric is a textile fabric formed by laminating a web with a fiber arrangement predominantly stiffened in one direction by needling and optionally impregnated with a water acrylate dispersion. Furthermore, the nonwoven fabric may be stiffened with another fabric. For the production of nonwovens, a regenerated textile material is used with the possibility of guaranteeing mostly synthetic or natural materials; polyester fiber is used as the primary raw material.
The nonwoven fabric is produced in a basis weight of 250 to 1000 g / m2, with a maximum width of 250 cm.
The fabrics are useful for the manufacture of upholstered furniture, mattresses, home textiles, as protective fabrics, as cleaning materials, and for the control of weed growth. We offer both white and dark nonwoven fabrics according to their use.
GETEX: Non-woven geotextile used as a protective fabric, suitable for packaging industrial products or semi-finished products to prevent damage during transportation. Can be used for covering surfaces on buildings, concrete, as technical textiles. Higher weights suitable for upholstery such as thermal and sound insulation.
GETEX IMPREGNATED: Non-woven geotextile reinforced with water-acrylate dispersion. The fabric is used for the production of upholstered furniture, mattresses.
BELTEX: Nonwoven fabric suitable for garden pools and garden ponds, designed for wet environments.
BELTEX IMPREGNATED: Nonwoven fabric impregnated with water acrylate dispersion. The fabric is used for the production of upholstered furniture, mattresses.
Non-woven geotextiles are made of 100% POP staple, with increased UV resistance or 100% PES staple if necessary. Geotextile basis weight: 100-1.200 g / m2. Width up to 600 cm.
Geotextiles perform separation, reinforcement, filtration, drainage and protection functions. The greatest use of nonwoven geotextiles is their compatibility.
Use of non-woven geotextile: in the construction of roads, highways, railways, parking lots, bridges, tunnels, roads, traffic areas, airport areas, petrol pumps, reinforcement of dikes, NO, TKO and their remediation.
Netkané geotextilie se dělí na přírodní a syntetické geotextilie.
Přírodní netkaná geotextilie slouží pro dočasnou ochranu (např. ochranu stavby proti mrazu).
Syntetické geotextilie jsou používány pro trvalé ochraně (především pro oddělení stavby od přírodní půdy).
Separační geotextilie - netkaná geotextilie zamezující promíchání rozdílných vrstev s odlišnými funkcemi, mezi kterými je uložena.
Ochranná geotextilie - geotextilie chránící hydroizolační vrstvu. Vhodné při stěhování a transportech zboží.
Filtrační geotextilie - vrstva omezující vyplavování částic jedné sypké vrstvy do jiné při průtoku vody, ale nezabraňující pohybu vody.
Zpevňovací geotextilie - netkaná geotextilie umožňující stabilizaci zemního tělesa (přenáší tahová napětí) nebo podloží staveb. Geotextilie se přidává se zemního tělesa v několika vrstvách (vzdálených 0,3 až 0,5 m) nebo mezi zemní těleso a tzv. konstrukční vrstvu.
Drenážní geotextilie - tato geotextilie odvádí vodu z povrchu podloží a umožňuje ve své rovině odvádět vodu ze svého okolí.
Netkané geotextilie Mokrutex nabízíme v gramáži 300, 800 a 1000 g/m². Velmi vhodné jsou bílé netkané geotextilie, které nepřitahují sluneční paprsky, jako geotextilie tmavé.